So it’s been little over a month since I got back from my little trip over the pond, and as well as the other stuff I’ve been up to (more about that later) I’ve had a chance to go over things a little bit in my mind and process what happened. I think it’s very easy when times are hard, as it can be sometimes when your at the start of your career, to think the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. And there was a part of me that was hoping to find the promised land when it came to my music, and frankly I was hoping America was that place. But this simply is not the case. Although I love you guys (American audiences) I’ve come to realise that the UK and namely London is the place I need to be. Every city or country has it’s challenges as an unsigned musician and it’s up to you if you choose to see them as a obstacle to overcome or an unsolvable problem to hold you back. In the past I’ve been guilty of thinking of things in the latter instead of the former. But one of the most positive things I think I’ve gained from my tour in the States is a new sense of optimism for my career in the UK. If you haven’t already done so you can see what I mean for yourself by watching part 2 of my vlog on the whole experience here…
Another thing that has contributed to this sense of optimism is the great response from busking that I’ve been getting. It’s been awhile since I’ve taken to the streets with my music but I was spurred on by some of the sunny days we’ve been having in London. I found the streets in Brick Lane at the Sunday market the perfect place to get out and enjoy them. People seamed to really love what I was doing and I even sold a copy or two of my album ‘Broken Man’.
I was also lucky enough to be featured in this months ‘Blues in Britain’ magazine. A few months ago the editor had invited me to contrive to the magazine by writing for their ‘In their own words’ feature in which an artist is invited to write about their music, influences and work ethic. You can read the full article in this months issue now at: www.bluesinbritain.org
I will also be making it back to Nashville at the end of the month, but only for a week this time, for the annual Americana Festival that will be held in the city. Unfortunately I missed the application deadline this year but I decided to make the trip anyway and do some networking at the event in the aim of applying for next years festival. But I’ll be back in London for my gig on the 28th September at ‘Chalk Farm Folk’ at the monarch in Camden so if your around in London then don’t forget to come down and say hello, more info can be found here: https://www.facebook.com/events/1824205391141078/