And so I write this on the verge of another lock-down, but somehow it feels very different from earlier in the year. In my mind another lock-down had a curtain amount of inevitability about it, and so fanatically I've been preparing myself as well as mentally, and putting together a plan of action. I've had the enviable cancellation of gigs, and to make up for that I've decided to return to live streaming. But this time intend to go about it slightly differently.
My first live stream will go ahead on the 15th of Nov on my Facebook page and I'll be backed up by my good friend Lui Rampino on Cajon. Which should give the show a more 'live band' vibe as well as plenty more in the way of banter. I will then be following that up with another live stream on the 29th of Nov, more details to be announced soon.
I've also received yet more great reviews on my new album 'Broken Road' this time from “an album that you can listen to time and time again... richly produced...” - Mike Wistow. Read the full review here:
If you haven't heard it yet (why not!?) then choose your platform of choice here:
See you all (online) soon!